Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Confirmation Photos

Here is the link provided by Divine Infant Parish of the photos taken at Confirmation!


Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Grade 6 lanterns

Grade 6 Lantern Project

In grade 6 the theme of our Religion program has been to be a light for others.
Our symbol is a lantern. All of our units revolve around this theme.
A keepsake for the students is to make their own lantern at home
with the supervision/assistance of an adult.

Here are the steps:

  1. Clean out a small can (i.e. soup or tomato can)
  2. Fill the can with water and put it in the freezer
  3. Think of a design of symbols you would like to put on the can
  4. Draw the design on the can and using a hammer and nail, make little holes along the can
  5. Paint or spray paint your can any colour. Write the date at the bottom.
  6. Add 2 holes at the side to put a wire/string handle on (we can help with this at school)

Please have the lantern completed by Monday June 11, 2018 so we can
use them to decorate the gym for our year end mass.

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Gr. 6 Visit to St. Peters

The visit to St. Peter will now take place on:

Friday May 11 @ 9:30 am

A permission form will be sent home shortly. 

Leave-Taking Ceremony Date

Due to scheduling conflicts the Grade 6 Leave-Taking Ceremony has been moved to: 

Wednesday June 27, 2018 from 9:30 to 11:30 am

Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Confirmation Reminder!

Sponsor Forms For Confirmation

This is a friendly reminder to all parents to please hand in the Sponsor Form for your child to Victoria Pusiak at Divine Infant Parish.

Families can return the form to Victoria by hand to the church or by email (victoriapusiak@rogers.com) or by fax 613-834-7459.

Confirmation Date: Saturday April 21, 2018 @11:00 am

Thursday, 22 March 2018


Image result for fund socks logo

Our Grade 6 Fundraiser is HERE! 

This year students will be selling Socks to raise money for our year end celebrations!

Students have been sent home with their fundraising package.

Orders can be placed online or 
through an order form (cash or cheque)

Cheques payable to: St. Francis of Assisi School

You may place an online order by visiting the following website: 

Friday, 9 March 2018

St. Peter Information Night

Attention all grade 6 parents! 

St. Peter High School will be hosting an information night for any parent who has a child entering grade 7/8. 

Date: Thursday April 5 

Time: 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm 

Location: St. Peter High School

Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Leaving Taking Photos

Graduation Photos 

A reminder that Grade 6 photos will be taken on 
Tuesday March 27 @ 9:30 am 

Students are asked to wear a white shirt 

Friday, 23 February 2018

Grad Photos

Graduation Photos for Gr. 6

Gr. 6 Leaving Ceremony photos will be taken in the morning of Tuesday March 27. 

We will inform everyone of the dress code closer to the date.

Thank you!

Wednesday, 24 January 2018

First Steps To St. Peter's!

Transition Dates for Gr. 6

St. Peter to visit Grade 6 students:

Tuesday April 24, 2018 @9:30 to 10:30 am

Grade 6 students to visit St. Peter for school tour:

Thursday May 10, 2018 @ 9:30 am

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